Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Gong is being rung...

When I was a youngster there was a TV show called "The Gong Show".  You may remember it.  A contestent would come on stage and perform a talent (usually very unsuccessfully of course).  After enduring as much as they could, a judge would jump up and hit a huge Gong to signal the contestent to stop.

Congressman Akin, the Gong is being rung.

Your statement on Sunday was very offensive on so many levels.  I realize that you have spent the last 48 hours apologizing profusely.  However, the damage has been done.  No matter how unfair you may feel that it is, the fact of the matter is that the damage is far more reaching than just your Senate Campaign in Missouri. 

Despite their immediate condemnation of your statement, your statement is now being linked to the Romney/Ryan campaign as if they had said the statement themselves.  This is the reality of today's political environment.  You have interjected yourself into the national media and the presidential campaign in a very negative way.  Rather than talking about the Economy and Jobs, they are now getting distracted with this controversy.  Your continued candidacy will  only prove to be a further distraction.  You have become the "Christine O'Donnell of 2012."

Again the Gong is being rung.  This is your queue to exit Stage Right.  Please do the right thing and end your candidacy so that this controversy can quickly be forgotten and we can get back to the issues that matter in this election.

*Update - 08/21/2012 6:35pm Central
Let me be clear... while I disagree with Congressman Akin's position on abortion without exceptions, this is not the reason for my calling for his stepping down.  If he had merely stated "I am against Abortion in all cases" and left it at that, this would never been a news item.  My issue is that he did not have the sound judgement and political wherewithal  to shut up beyond that.  Instead he continued with the indefensible statement about "legitimate rape" and how a woman's body can shut down the potential for pregnancy as a result.  This is complete nonsense and showed that he is not the candidate fit to represent the good people of Missouri.

Furthermore, he is completely oblivious and does not understand the far reaching damage that this has caused.  We have now gone two days of talking about this issue instead of talking about the REAL issues that matter to the American People.  He has proven to be a negative distraction in this election and will continue to do so as long as he is in this race.

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