Thursday, September 20, 2012

Follow-up regarding Libya Attack

It amazes me how the Main Stream Media is completely sweeping this story "under the rug".  I swear that Headlines talking about the failures of the Romney Campaign were more dominant in the news than this story.  It is truly sad.

So what have we learned in the last 10 days?  Our Administration spent the first 9 days claiming that the attack in Libya was an out of control spontaneous protest over an Anti-Muslim film.  A trailer to a film at that.  For several days the President of Libya disagreed with this and was very public in the International Media that this was a coordinated terrorist attack.  One that they had warned the US about as much as 3 days prior to the attack.  Today finally the Administration changed course and said that it is "self-evident" that this was a pre-meditated terrorist attack.  Of course there was no mention of being alerted a few days prior.

The bottom line is that for 9 straight days our Presidential Administration lied to the American people.  For 9 days they claimed that this was a spontaneous protest.  Turns out there was no protest at all.  It was a direct attack.  They claimed that the Ambassador had "sufficient" security detail including 2 former SEALS.  The fact of the matter is that the Ambassador's security was provided by a Libyan militia.  The 2 former SEALS were NOT part of his security detail.  They were there on "other business".  But when the attack occurred they took up arms and attempted to repel the attack.  They deserve Congressional Medals of Honor for doing so.

I believe that the President and White House has been so focused on the campaign that they completely dropped the ball here.  While the attacks occurred and the days following, the President was busy with fundraisers and campaign events.  He just started attending his Daily Security Briefings in person because it had gotten out that he skipped the majority of them thus far in his Presidency.

No I am not proposing that the President orchestrated this uprising in the Muslim world, nor this attack on our consulate.  Normally, this would be a benefit to the Republicans.  However, I believe it is the failed International policies and the naiveté of this administration that is to blame.  This President claimed back in 2008 that if he were to be elected, then Muslim tensions and hatred toward us would magically diminish because of his background.  I believe that this arrogance has proven his incompetence in the world.

I further blame the Main Stream Media for this lack of coverage of this event.  Our country was attacked on 9/11 and yet they continue to keep this story on the back burner in fear that it look negatively on our President.

I hope that Congress will look into this.  Who knew exactly what and when?  How was this Ambassador not better protected?  How did we go 9 days of being lied to, when the International Media clearly had the proper read on the story?

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